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Versions Supported

Change the Backend

If you need to change the backend type or update the backend port due to firewall or other restrictions, you can do so by updating the pack YAML. The parameters charts.flannel.backend and charts.flannel.backendPort can be used to change the default behavior. Refer to the official backend documentation to learn more about supported backends.

backend: "vxlan"
backendPort: 8472

Change MTU

By default, Flannel will use the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the host interface. If you need to change the MTU, you can do so by updating the pack YAML. The parameter charts.flannel.mtu can be used to change the MTU value.

mtu: 1500

VXLAN Configuration

Additional parameters can be used to configure the VXLAN backend. The VXLAN configuration is commented out by default in the pack YAML. Uncomment the parameters you want to use and update the values as needed. Refer to the VXLAN backend documentation for additional guidance.

VXLAN Configs:
#VXLAN Identifier to be used. On Linux default is 1.
vni: 1
#Enable VXLAN Group Based Policy (Default false)
GBP: false
#Enable direct routes (default is false)
directRouting: false
#MAC prefix to be used on Windows. (Defaults is 0E-2A)
macPrefix: "0E-2A"
? Wireguard Configs

#UDP listen port used with IPv6
backendPortv6: 51821
#Pre shared key to use
psk: 0
#IP version to use on Wireguard
tunnelMode: "separate"
#Persistent keep interval to use
keepaliveInterval: 0


Use the following Terraform snippet to reference the Flannel CNI pack in your Terraform template. Replace the version number with the version you want to use.

data "spectrocloud_registry" "public_registry" {
name = "Public Repo"

data "spectrocloud_pack_simple" "flannel" {
name = "cni-flannel"
version = "0.23.0"
type = "helm"
registry_uid =
